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Colombia is emerging from a 60-year long armed conflict which has raged between the government forces, the right-wing, and leftist insurgents. Far from complete, the hope of real peace is nevertheless giving some space to society, both local and international, to address problems caused by the displacement and age-long discrimination of indigenous people and Afro-Colombians. Following the civil war, Colombia is a country with huge problems of unexploded ordnance and landmines, and thereby a large number of people disabled by mine accidents. Gender discrimination and violence against women are common. Colombia has committed itself to ensure equality between its nationals regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or origin, but there are also forces working against this progress, such as corruption, militia, and gangs benefitting from the trade on narcotics, and to some extent the private sector companies and individuals involved in illegal mining and land-grabbing.

Implementing partner: Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Department for World Service (DWS)

Project description

The Colombia country program of the Lutheran World Federation addresses the protection of land and regional rights, the protection of livelihoods, environmental and climate justice, the promotion of community-based justice and peace, and disaster risk reduction.

The project development goal

Strategies and policies protect the livelihoods of the local population, more women gain equal access to rights and opportunities, and participate actively in peace building, and promotion of inclusive social processes which reduce violence and conflicts.

Examples of key activities

  • Organizational strengthening combined with attention to basic needs.
  • LWF works through local partner organizations and also directly, fostering solutions to armed conflicts, contributing to safety of leaders, social organizations and communities.

Implementing partner: Iglesia Evangélica Luterana de Colombia (IELCO)

Project description

The project is an initiative to implement peace agreements after decades of armed conflict in Colombia. It is implemented in Antioquia province, which has greatly suffered from the conflict and is still an arena of violence and paramilitary group action. The project supports and advances the coexistence of villagers and former guerrillas of FARC, who are settling down in the communities.

The project development goal

As an expected result the community members will be aware of the contents of the peace agreements, have learned and will be using self-protection mechanisms, and the implementation of the agreements in their communities will be promoted actively.

Examples of key activities

  • Project activities include psychosocial support and legal assistance, awareness raising, and skills training.

Implementing partner: Lutheran World Federation (LWF), Department for World Service (DWS)

Project description

Mine accidents are common in the rural areas of Arauca province as there are many landmines and explosives set by the guerrilla groups during the long-time armed conflict. Landmine accident survivors are often stigmatized, which together with the physical disability causes psychological problems for many of them. Their legal status is also not the same as that of other persons with disabilities, which affects their economic situation.

The project development goal

The project improves living conditions and realization of rights of persons who have a disability resulting from a landmine or unexploded ordnance accident. The aim is that the survivors are empowered and cooperate as change makers through their own organisation, advocating for their rights and raising awareness in communities.

Examples of key activities

  • Psychosocial and legal support
  • Development of the mine survivors’ organization ASODIGPAZ
  • Various trainings
  • Awareness raising of the survivors and their families, as well as trainings on how to prevent new accidents in communities.

Implementing partner: Iglesia Evangélica Luterana de Colombia (IELCO)

Project description

Traditionally, schoolattendance for indigenous children has been poor. Curricula have not included the culture, history and science of peoples, but are often based entirely on a foreign world, and instruction has been given in a foreign language, in Spanish. Children have not attended teaching at all or are in classes without learning to read and write.

The project development goal

The indigenous communities involved in the project implement a native language education model that respects their own context and culture. Children in communities complete their studies with good results and nurture the cultural tradition, knowledge and skills of their people, improving the quality of life of communities and their own chances for a better life.

Examples of key activities

  • The project undertakes an initial study of the culture and traditions of each indigenous community involved in the project.
  • Educate teachers and education authorities and co-develop a new doctrine that takes into account native language, culture, history and context of their own people, and new teaching methodologies.
  • New learning materials are drawn up in the mother tongue of children for primary education and secondary school education.
  • Methodological and influencer workshops are held with indigenous communities, the Ministry of Education and the incentives responsible for ethno education to build peoples own teaching models.